The Corel Professional Photos CD-Rom Titles contain numerous royalty-free images which are either owned by Corel or licensed from a third party. As a user of any Corel Professional Photos CD-Rom Title you are free to use, modify and publish the images as you wish subject to the restrictions as set out below;
• create scandalous, obscene or immoral works using the photographic images;
• redistribute the photos as stock photography or clipart;
• use any of the photographic images related to identifiable individuals or entities in a manner which suggests their association with or endorsement of any product or service;
• use or distribute the images in electronic format, including multimedia applications, unless all of the following conditions are met;
i) the images are embedded at a base resolution of (512 x 768);
ii) the images incorporated for viewing purposes only;
iii) a Corel Corporation credit is included in the application;
iv) the images do not represent a significant portion of the content of the application; and
v) the application is not a product which is similar to or competes with any of the features of the Corel Professional Photos CD-Rom product.
Any further inquiries should be directed to any one of the Contracts Administrators at Corel. Tel: 613-728-8200